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New Catch In Town

In collaboration with Koli community, Tapestry and MMM (Ministry of Mumbai's Magic)
Location: Versova Koliwada
Year: 2021

Community interactions and workshops enabled the process of Design Ideation amongst Bombay 61 Studio team and the community members. A core team of local Kolis who were also skilled artisanal fishermen was then created. Post ideation process, a practical net filter solution was derived to be implemented in the creek. The process involved intense design discussions which led few members to draw conceptual sketches, and finalize materials based on their understanding of the context of the creek.


The final design is inspired by Dol Nets - the local Kolis traditional knowledge of fishing in the creeks, wherein the fishing nets which were used to catch fishes are now used to trap the solid waste, before it ends up in the sea, which can be collected and further recycled. Two nets, each 20 feet long, were fixed in the marsh of the Kavtya Khadi - each set using Galvanized Iron pipes with S.S tapering piles. To support the poles and the nets, additional pipes of shorter length were provided towards the end of the tapering net (as shown in the drawings below).


The in situ installation of Net Filters was planned on the basis of traditional knowledge of creek system and its tidal variations.

Video Documentation

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